Provides information about a mounted file system.

Objects returned from statfs and its synchronous counterpart are of this type. If bigint in the options passed to those methods is true, the numeric values will be bigint instead of number.

StatFs {
type: 1397114950,
bsize: 4096,
blocks: 121938943,
bfree: 61058895,
bavail: 61058895,
files: 999,
ffree: 1000000

bigint version:

StatFs {
type: 1397114950n,
bsize: 4096n,
blocks: 121938943n,
bfree: 61058895n,
bavail: 61058895n,
files: 999n,
ffree: 1000000n


v19.6.0, v18.15.0



  • Returns StatsFs


bavail: number

Available blocks for unprivileged users

bfree: number

Free blocks in file system.

blocks: number

Total data blocks in file system.

bsize: number

Optimal transfer block size.

ffree: number

Free file nodes in file system.

files: number

Total file nodes in file system.

type: number

Type of file system.

Generated using TypeDoc